Friday, October 01, 2004

"What Has Become of My Beautiful Idea" or "You Know What, Fuck the World"

This is my gripe session. And anybody who wants to take offense, can!

I wanted to creat a place where me and my friends and family can come together despite distance and time zone differences. I have friends away at school. Ones who have moved out of state. Some just plain hard to catch at home across this great nation. I have friends and family that are at war in another country. Some just away for business internationally. I just wanted place where I can introduce many aspects of my life, and get us all talk about ourselves. That means our interests, dislike, the trails, tribulations, and shit that has and is happening to us. What I get instead is one group rallying against the other instead of them become one great coalition of friends. What kind of shit is that. How can the people who know my and get along with me the best not get along and get to know each other. Thus is some major bullshit I tell you. I get together in one room some of the brightest and most insightful minds and well mannered people I know to start with, and I get nothing but a world of Drama most of the time. What The Fuck! Where did it go wrong, I don't know. I think it because I want so much to see people I care about start to understand each other. It seems that all I get is people starting to back bite and hate on each other. This is not high school and none of us have been in high school for a lonmg time. Even when we were in high school we didn't play these Games. I say games only as a generic terms. We are politicing and pigeonholing the most important thing to me. My Family! We are not the fucking United States Senate, where this kind of thing is normal. Have you guys not noticed that the only thing you all have in common on the Council is me. ME! And I am not happy with anyone right now. I am terribly disappointed in almost all of you. To think, I wanted this to be a start to a Club similar to Bug Juice, a place where we can rekindle dead, dying, or just defunct by asbsentia friendships. The Question seemed to understand that idea, little good that did since I was the one to fuck that up. Not alone, but I dropped one hell of a hammer on things.

So in closing, I quit. Do what ever the hell you want, just count me out until you guys grow up and look at the bigger picture of a world devided by six degrees of seperation, and understand that all I wanted was to cut out some of the fucking degrees!


Blogger Shark said...

My man this is somthing that I have been trying to work out for years and I thuoght that you might have it licked in the blog form.Do not give up,rage rage against the dying of the light!!Do not go gentle into the night!If we can work together just once how awsome that would be!

Saturday, October 02, 2004 1:51:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Deadpool: You should check out my blog. I said exactly the same thing on there about a week ago. I myself have made a few mistakes on the Council with the first names thing, but I got over that. Now, all I do is post my thoughts and advice. I get jumped on for it. I would gladly like to stop that, but what can I do man? I'm not going to allow myself to be attacked, you can respect that. However, I do see your the Council.

Saturday, October 02, 2004 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

You already heard what I have to say on it, bro. Sorry that things aren't working out the way you intended. At least I get what you're saying.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004 12:21:00 PM  
Blogger Quilled One said...

Worry not, the Quilled One is backing your noble cause here...

Thursday, October 14, 2004 9:51:00 AM  

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